Intervention 71 – Idyllestörungsmaschine / The idyll disturbance maschine (120 x 80 x 50 cm) Holz, Glas, Haartrockner, Keramik, Styroporkügelchen / Wood, glass, hairdryer, ceramics, styrofoam beads
Intervention 71 – Idyllestörungsmaschine / The idyll disturbance maschine (120 x 80 x 50 cm)
Intervention 71 – Idyllestörungsmaschine / The idyll disturbance maschine (120 x 80 x 50 cm)
Intervention 70 – Retortenidylle / retort idyll (45 x 45 x 150 cm) Glasierte Keramik, LED, Holz, Plastikfolie / glazed ceramics, LED, wood, plastic wrap
Intervention 68 – Bombenidylle – vergessen, vergraben, vergolden / to forget, to burry, to gild (ca. 140 x 70 x 70 cm)
Styropor, Spachtelmasse, Gewebe, Modellbauzubehör, Blattmetall / styrofoam, plaster, fiberglass mesh, model making accessories, metal leaf
Intervention 47 – Machine (ca. 40 x 30 x 30 cm)
Pappe, Blattmetall, Holz / Cardboard, metal leaf, wood